Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Notice
At Advance Server FF, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that your copyrighted work has been infringed upon on our platform, please file a DMCA takedown notice.
How to File a DMCA Takedown Notice:
To file a DMCA takedown notice, please provide:
- A description of the copyrighted work you believe has been infringed.
- A link or description of where the material is located on our platform.
- Your contact information (name, address, phone number, and email).
- A statement that you believe in good faith that the material is infringing.
- A statement under penalty of perjury that the information is accurate.
- Your physical or electronic signature.
If you believe that your content was removed by mistake or misidentification, you can file a counter-notice with us, providing the necessary details. If no legal action is initiated, the content may be restored.
Response to DMCA Takedown Notice:
Upon receiving a DMCA notice, we will act promptly to remove the infringing content and notify the user who posted the material. If a counter-notice is filed, we will restore the content unless we are notified of an impending legal action.